a place where the inner journey is honoured, supported and celebrated


The way our modern lives are structured often makes it feel like an uphill battle to get our basic needs met. 

Basic needs like human connection, seasonal ritual, rites of passage, emotional support from elders or wisdom keepers, community...the list goes on.

This Sangha or 'community' is an answer to many of our basic emotional and spiritual needs. It is a support system for those who want to live life from the inside out

We created this platform as a container so that meeting these needs feels natural, like the path of least resistance almost. 

Through it we will share resources, inspirational material, guided meditations as well as live online workshops to keep you in a rhythm where you never forget to nourish your soul.  
The way our modern lives are structured often makes it feel like an uphill battle to get our basic needs met.

Basic needs like human connection, seasonal ritual, rites of passage, emotional support from elders or wisdom keepers, community...the list goes on.

This Sangha or 'community' is an answer to many of our basic emotional and spiritual needs. It is a support system for those who want to live life from the inside out

We created this platform as a container so that meeting these needs feels natural, like the path of least resistance almost.

Through it we will share resources, inspirational material, guided meditations as well as live online workshops to keep you in a rhythm where you never forget to nourish your soul.  

Our online workshops & community content are centered around these 3 themes

An exploration of the SOMATIC SELF 

Healing begins with a reentry into our bodies. A learning how to FEEL, a reconnection with our inner child and a creation of a sense of safety in relation to our bodies and emotions. This restores our Intuition & natural mysticism.

Trauma Work - Somatic Therapy 
Dance - Intuition

An exploration of LIVING CYCLICALLY

Water teaches us how to flow, how to surrender and how to live in harmony with the wider world. Here we inspire ourselves to live with nature and nourish our connection to the planet and especially the water. 

Earth Work - Foraging - Crafting 
Water Element Work

An exploration of SPIRIT & DEVOTION

Harmony is nourished through our relationship with spirit and cosmos. Here we remember how to celebrate the seasons, how to honor the goddess of creation and how to enact rituals of reverence and devotion. 

Moon Rituals - Creative Expression 
Priestess Path

“A community bound together by a love for planet, thirst for self awareness and a devotion to spirit 


Join us for a completely free first week, to
test the waters and explore the transformative
possibilities of the Membership
program. Gain access to all features and
resources, with no obligation.



Monthly Live Workshops

Workshops on different themes related to the 3 circles above. Each workshop builds on the other, creating a strong narrative and deep connections within a supportive community that will shape and support your personal growth. You’ll have the opportunity to share, learn from others, and ask the questions that keep you up at night. 

Online Platform

The home of our bank of resources filled with book recommendations, podcasts, guided meditations and more. Here you can also view members who live in your area and connect with different members of the community via chat. A 'social media' alternative that nourishes your soul.
Stay connected with the community through our monthly online live workshop and our online forum, 
enjoy exclusive discounts on Sanya services, and indulge in the luxurious amenities of the Sanya heated pool, 
sauna, steam room, and steam shower once per month on
day of your choice.

Members receive priority access to our retreats and optional 1-on-1
mentoring sessions with Yasmin, offering an even deeper dive into your personal growth.
Stay connected with the community through our monthly online live workshop and our online forum, enjoy exclusive discounts on Sanya services, and indulge in the luxurious amenities of the Sanya heated pool, sauna, steam room, and steam shower once per month on day of your choice.

Members receive priority access to our retreats and optional 1-on-1  mentoring sessions with Yasmin, offering an even deeper dive into your personal growth.



“I can not recommend a more safe and intimate space to deeply practicing my spirituality and making connections with other likeminded beings in Sangha. We sometimes meet outside of Sanya to experience a tea or cacao ceremony in the beautiful nature. That just adds extra value to be in this kind of community. My soul felt nourished, inspired and belonging every time after our gathering.”



“I can not recommend a more safe and intimate space to deeply practicing my spirituality and making connections with other likeminded beings in Sangha. We sometimes meet outside of Sanya to experience a tea or cacao ceremony in the beautiful nature. That just adds extra value to be in this kind of community. My soul felt nourished, inspired and belonging every time after our gathering.”
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